Exploring Creativity’s Timing


While on the Creative Passages Retreat in Los Cabos, I was surrounded by a group of twelve INCREDIBLE aspiring writers. In just days, I became amazed by their talent and passion. As each woman beautifully relayed her personal journey, I was reminded of the power of storytelling. It might sound odd to hear that from a writer – that we can forget the bonding ability of language: how it brings what was separate, together. In some aspects, creators are subconsciously seeking togetherness. It is what inspires us to share.

During our time, we discussed the insights of Rick Rubin, a renowned artist and producer. His recent book, "The Creative Act: A Way of Being," offers valuable perspectives on creativity and the artistic process. Reading this book will teach you to think differently about what it means to be a creator. It inspires thinking outside of the box as a rule. It was truly a key resource for those of us on the retreat

A quote that keeps coming back to me from Rick Rubin is:

Everything happens kind of the way it's supposed to happen, and we just watch it unfold. And you can't control it. Looking back, you can't say, 'I should've...' You didn't, and had you, the outcome would have been different.

For anyone struggling with doubts about the timing of your journey, no matter where you are in it, I want you to know that there is purpose to your timing. Everything you go through and experience, even the tough stuff, is making you better. Your story is always changing and growing just like you.  I have learned to do the same.

Here’s another insightful quote from Rick,

All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now.

So, if you are sitting on an idea or waiting for the "perfect" moment, I encourage you to take action “here and now” – even if it feels imperfect. Your creativity is a gift that is meant to be enjoyed communally.

I hope these words offer some inspiration as you navigate your creative endeavors.

Thank you for making this one of the places you choose to gather. Remember, I am here rooting for you with a listening ear and hopeful heart, every step of the way!


A Heartfelt Thank You & The Journey Ahead


Reflecting on Home and Homelessness