Reflecting on Home and Homelessness


As I sit down to write to you today, I can't help but reflect on something that's been occupying our household lately.

Last weekend, amidst the usual chaos of family life, we participated in the Sheltered Point in Time and Housing Inventory Counts with The Kitchen Inc. This local organization, is dedicated to combating homelessness in our community, and their annual event allows us to assess the available residential space for individuals experiencing homelessness. It's a small contribution, but one that aligns deeply with our values of compassion and community support.

"The Sheltered PIT (Point In Time) and HIC (Housing Inventory Counts) is an annual event that allows our communities to assess the available residential space for individuals experiencing homelessness. By counting all persons in a homeless residential project on the night of the event, we can also measure the demographics of those served by homeless services on the date of this statewide event."

Safe housing is crucial to our well-being. In my book "Time to Fly," I make no secret about how necessary the shelter of home was during the height of my grief. Healing takes up space both figuratively and literally I often find myself reflecting on the night I slept in the basement bedroom of my parents' home with my children, that sacred space held us together as one body.

“Every home is holy as they hold our memories of loved ones.”

Participating in efforts to ensure that each of us has a place to call home, a place to rest, whether it comes by emergency shelter, transitional housing, or permanent supportive housing, is a value that’s close to my heart.

Though the dream may seem daunting when we look at the number of people experiencing homelessness, we have more than enough local resources to make it a reality.

Here's to coming together this year to work as a team and ensure that ALL PEOPLE have their basic needs met.

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