A Heartfelt Thank You & The Journey Ahead


As we close this chapter, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each of you. This campaign, though not ending as we had hoped, has been a journey filled with purpose, intention, and conviction. 

The outcome may not be what we envisioned, but it doesn't diminish the significance of the work we've done or the work still ahead. Mike and I knew from the start that there was a chance we’d give it our all and not see the result we hoped for, so we were prepared for whatever came our way.

Throughout this journey, we stayed true to our WHY—that deep belief that everyone has a responsibility to do whatever they can to impact their communities and serve others. Our WHY remains steadfast, no matter the outcome.

We have alway felt that if we focus solely on the result, we risk losing sight of the collective mission that brought us together in the first place. Our efforts, our conversations, our shared hopes for Missouri—they all matter deeply, and they will continue to matter.

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In my book, Time to Fly: Life and Love After Loss, I talk a lot about resilience, and I can’t help but notice how those themes have come full circle in my life. Resilience isn’t just about bouncing back, it’s about moving forward with even greater determination. Throughout this journey, we’ve witnessed an incredible outpouring of service, compassion, and dedication. 

We’ve seen people step up in ways they never imagined, our families have grown in love and support like never before, and we’ve connected with so many incredible communities that we will forever be a part of.

This was just ONE expression of our larger commitment to making a difference and we are not finished. The work continues, and there are no regrets—only the ongoing opportunity to listen, learn, and serve with an open heart.

I see this time as a gift, another chance for us all to practice resilience and to recommit ourselves to the greater work that still lies ahead. Thank you all for standing with us, for believing in the vision, and for being part of something much larger than any one of us.

Let’s keep moving forward!

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